Thursday 8 December 2016

Robert Reich: Donald Trump’s 7 techniques to control the media

1. Berate the media

2. Blacklist critical media

3. Turn the public against the media

4. Condemn satirical or critical comments

5. Threaten the media directly

6. Limit media access

7. Bypass the media and communicate with the public directly

Tuesday 6 December 2016

The story was fake. The gunshot was real.
On Sunday night authorities said that the North Carolina man who drove to DC and allegedly walked into a popular restaurant brandishing a gun was motivated by a particularly ridiculous piece of fake news. "During a post-arrest interview," DC police said, "the suspect revealed that he came to the establishment to self-investigate #PizzaGate (a fictitious online conspiracy theory)." No one was injured, but the man did discharge one of his weapons before being apprehended. He had two other guns as well.

Fake news, real violence: 'Pizzagate' and the consequences of an Internet echo chamber

Millions of people have read about a crazy conspiracy theory called "Pizzagate." An untold number of them actually believe it. One person apparently took matters into his own hands and showed up with guns to the pizza place that the conspiracy theorists say is at the center of the web.

Why Snapchat And Apple Don’t Have A Fake News Problem

Friday 2 December 2016


As President Barack Obama, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, journalists and academics argue over the impact of social media-driven propaganda on the latest American election, this sleepy former manufacturing town overlooking the Vardar River in central Macedonia has found itself increasingly drawn into the debate.
BuzzFeed News identified Veles as a hub of the fake news industry seeding sensationalized or falsified information across Facebook. A reporter from Britain's Channel 4 News chased the industry's adolescent kingpins across town, cornering one 16-year-old fake news baron who said he had no plans to stop — even though he acknowledged it was wrong.
But there were no such qualms from the teenager who spoke to The Associated Press at Veles' Gemdidzii Sports Hall.
Retreating from a spirited indoor soccer game into an empty office, he walked an AP journalist through the ins-and-outs of his fake news operation on condition that neither he nor his stable of bogus news sites would be identified, because otherwise that would hurt his business.
He showed the AP how he ripped much of his material off The Political Insider, a right-wing news site that produces a steady drumbeat of pro-Donald Trump pieces. He then flipped over to Google Analytics, an audience tracking tool, to show that he'd managed to gather more than 685,000 page views a week.

Monday 21 November 2016

How Facebook can cut down on fake news without relying on thousands of humans to decide what is true

Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook Must Defend the Truth

Friday night, the Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg went on his vast social network to convince an expanding chorus of critics — including the departing president of the United States — that he honest-to-goodness wants to combat the “fake news” that is running wild across his site and others, and turning our politics into a paranoiac fantasy come to life.